Expat services
In general, you may need to file a Dutch tax return for any year in which you lived or worked in the Netherlands for any part of the year.
Need help with your Dutch personal income tax return?
- Did you receive an invitation from the Dutch tax authorities to file your Dutch income tax return?
- Did you arrive in the Netherlands sometime during the year?
- Did you leave the Netherlands sometime during the year?
- Do you have a principal residence in the Netherlands?
If any of the above situations apply, we recommend you file a tax return. Legal Roadmap can assist you with the preparation and filing of your Dutch personal income tax.
Highly skilled migrant (expat)
If you are working or living as a highly skilled migrant (expat), you are liable to pay Dutch tax. It is certainly worthwhile to check the tax refund possibilities because highly skilled migrants often have tax refund opportunities. Even if you have not received an invitation to submit a tax return, it is important to have your tax situation checked by Legal Roadmap to ensure you don’t miss any refund opportunities while filing your tax return.
The regular tax form is a P-form. If you live in the Netherlands or have income from the Netherlands, you must pay taxes on your income, financial interests in a company, and your savings and investments. To pay or receive taxes, you must file a tax return every year.
In cases of immigration or emigration, an M-form must be filed.
Dutch Tax Benefits:
The Dutch tax system has several benefits. For example, if you own a house, the interest on your mortgage is deductible in your tax return, meaning you don’t have to pay taxes on this amount and you will receive a tax refund. Other Dutch tax return deductions might include:
- Charitable giving
- Non-compensated health costs
- Costs incurred when purchasing a home
Due to the complexity of the Dutch tax system and its rules, it is highly advisable to let Legal Roadmap check your taxes and file your tax returns.
For more latest information about taxes , please visit https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/nl/belastingaangifte/
Do you need more or specific information?
Please contact us and we are happy to help!
Simple tax return
per year- excl. VAT
With fiscal partner
per year- excl. VAT
If you own a house
per year- excl. VAT
Hour rate
personal and business- excl. VAT
Checklist info for Dutch personal income tax return
General information
✓ Copy of valid ID and authorization code DigiD Code
✓ Tax authorities notice to file a return (if issued)
✓ Copy of your 30%ruling
✓ Initials and dates of birth of your children living with you
Fiscal data
✓ Copy of the previous year tax return (unless we helped you filing this)
✓ Preliminary tax assessment for the tax year
✓ Immigration date: if you entered or left the Netherlands in the tax year: exactdate of (de-)registration with municipality upon entering or leaving
Salary and other income
✓ Year statement (‘jaaropgave’)
✓ Overview income and expenses (e.g. freelance work)
✓ Overview alimony received (if any)
✓ Overview premiums paid for disability insurance oradditional retirement plans
If you have total savings/investments
✓ Annual overview of bank accounts in the Netherlands and abroad
✓ Annual overview of stocks, bonds and other securities
✓ Overview of any other assets, claims
✓ Overview of loans and debts
✓ Overview or policies ‘kapitaalverzekeringen’
✓ (WOZ-)value of property located in or outside of the Netherlands, not being yourmain residence
If you own a house
✓ WOZ-value-statement from themunicipality
✓ Annual overview mortgage interestpayments
✓ Overview other debt interest payments relating to your house
✓ Overview land lease payments (‘erfpacht’)(if applicable)
If you bought of sold a house
✓ Notary invoice/statement
✓ Invoices from realtors/
✓ Overview mortgage bank
✓ Overview expenses relating to homeimprovement
✓ Statement ‘eigen woningreserve’ (if applicable)
Tax-deductible expenses
✓ Overview of healthcare expenses notcovered by medical insurance, e.g. dentist, medication, etc.
✓ Overview of educational expenses you paid yourself, e.g. tuition fees, books, etc.
✓ Overview of alimony paid
✓ Overview of donations to charities
Please note: if you have a fiscal partner, we will also need this information above for him or her.